Smoke Detector Request

Request a smoke detector here!

"*" indicates required fields

Are you the owner of the residence?*
Residence Type*
"I hereby authorize the Unity Township Bureau of Fire (UTFB) to install smoke/Carbon monoxide in the residence listed above. I understand and agree the UTFB is providing smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and/or installing owner-owned detectors as a public service in the interest of encouraging fire/life safety and helping to prevent needless injury and/or loss of life and property. I understand that the UTFB does not guarantee no endorse any brand of smoke/carbon monoxide detector or batteries and that it makes no warranties regarding these products. In exchange for accepting either free smoke/carbon monoxide detectors with or without installation and/or installation of owner-owned detectors, I agree not to claim or demand or to file any lawsuit against the UTFB, any department within the township, any individual(s) serving as a volunteer the department, or any individual involved with the smoke detector program, for any injuries, death, damages, cost or expenses claimed to have resulted from the detector(s), battery(ies), from their installation or from the instructions for maintenance and safety given at the time of installation. I hereby waive any cause of action that I may have now or in the future or that anyone else may have by or through me, arising out of the malfunctioning of the smoke/carbon monoxide detector(s), or the battery(ies), whether used in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the UFTB, its members, agents, and assigns as to any such claim that may be brought by other parties. I Further understand for these smoke/carbon monoxide detectors to be effective; the alarm will need to be checked monthly and batteries replaced at least once per year with proper type and installation of battery. This release from liability is binding on me and my family and all my heirs, successors, and assigns."
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